Annabel's Wedding (Confetti Confidential, Book 2)
With Confetti Confidential: Annabel's Wedding set to hit eshelves on November 1st, I wanted to share a little snippet from one of my favourite scenes. As the girls prepare for Annabel's big day, nothing seems to be going to plan!
I grabbed a cup of tea and took my seat, eager to look as fabulous as Carrie. ‘How are you doing it?’ I asked the girl, who looked younger than my sons. ‘Up-style isn’t it Tanya?’ She asked her boss. ‘Yep, something high. You wanted a mix of styles didn’t you, Bel?’ Annabel didn’t’ answer and appeared to be asleep. ‘We should probably let her rest, so just do an up-style.’ I shrugged, ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about, so I’m in your hands.’ An hour later it appeared that the assistant did not know what we were talking about either. She clearly didn’t have the skill of her boss. As she proudly paraded the oversized mirror around for me to see, I wondered how to politely scream for her to start over. It was awful. I looked like a founding member of the B52’s. ‘It looks great from the back,’ she promised. Was it possible for me to walk backwards all day? Because from the front it was hideous. I pretended to need the bathroom so I could investigate further. I promised myself to take a minute before going into total and complete meltdown, but a larger mirror only increased the intensity of its ugliness. ‘Why me?’ I moaned. Why did Carrie look so completely fabulous and glamorous, while I looked like I was attempting to smuggle a hoard of birds across the border in a fake hair nest. ‘You okay in there?’ Mum knocked. I opened the door and watched her grimace. ‘It’s awful isn’t it?’ ‘I wouldn’t call it awful, as such. Maybe a little on the strange side. She’s got Julia now.’ We giggled. At least I wouldn’t be alone.
If you haven't yet read They do, I Don't grab it before book 2 hits stores.