Dreams are not always reality!
In all of the years I spent dreaming of being published, the images I had in my mind involved me hosting wonderfully planned out book signings and basking in the glory of all that went along with being an ‘Author’.
When I first got the call from Harper Collins to say that they wanted to publish my book I was elated. All my dreams were about to come true, but in fact the hard work was yet to be done. I thought that I’d hand over the manuscript, they’d tell me it was fabulous and soon it would be hitting the shelves! Naïve? Definitely!
It was a long road, full of great lessons and many learning opportunities that didn’t stop after the book was released last week. Once again (very naively) I had the misinformed idea that once the book was released I could sit back and finally do some basking in that elusive glory, but no. Again, there was more work to do. Why hadn't anyone told me this would actually be hard?
Now, with the book released, the marketing begins and in the digital world it is fast-paced and demanding. From blog tours to social media and everything in between, marketing yourself and your new book is essential. The beauty is, that in this digital age that we live, you can do it all from your couch in your comfy slippers!
Along with the marketing comes…..the reviews (said with a low, dreading tone). When I think back to my first few chapters of ‘Confetti Confidential’ (originally titled ‘Love, sex and Other Disasters’) I remember with affection how much I wanted for it to find a place in the world. With no idea about what was to come, my fingers tapped away at my keyboard with giggles and laughter. Now, with the book out in the world for 5 days, I’m trawling review sites and obsessing about what people will think of my work. My rational brain knows that it won’t and never could be to everyone’s taste, yet my emotional side and my ego are desperate for it to be received well by readers.
I can’t help but smile when I think back to those early dreams of writing and being published and how perfectly I had imagined it. It is wonderful and I am so grateful for the people who have helped, mentored and inspired me, but it is also comes with hard work and discipline.
I intend to (maybe hope to is more realistic) stop obsessing about reviews and get on with writing book 2, (working title: ‘Confetti Confidential: Annabel’s Wedding’), that is when I can drag myself from Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, my website and LinkedIn!